climbing with kids

Challenged To My Core: Climbing As A Mom

Challenged To My Core: Climbing As A Mom. There’s something about becoming a climber that convinces you that you can take on anything. At Crux Crush, we have heard multiple stories of climbing empowering women to overcome everything from addiction to arachnophobia to a fear of heights. I believe this is specifically unique to climbing. When you look up at the tall, steep, seemingly featureless route that you just climbed relying solely on your own …

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Childbirth And Climbing

Childbirth and climbing: Today Rebecca Lambert, ‘wicked’ strong climber and mom to a one-year-old, shares a few lessons from pregnancy and childbirth that just may be the secret to what often holds women back in climbing. (We’re not saying go get pregnant, just to channel your inner pregnant woman ) Back in 2011, I had just broken into the 5.13s with the fourth ascent of ‘What About Bob – Original,’ a notoriously cryptic sport route …

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Climber Dads

Today’s post we dedicate to all the dads out there, but specifically the climber dads: the men who balance a love for climbing and a love for their kid(s), who refuse to give up one for the other, but instead carry 20+ pounds of kid, toys, tents, and whatever might be needed to keep a potential meltdown at bay, on top of rope, draws, and climbing gear. We’re talking about the dads whose first purchase when they …

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