Climbing Destinations

Rock Climbing Staten Island

Rock Climbing Staten Island

Rock climbing Staten Island provides a wonderful chance for families, particularly children, to get some much-needed mobility during the winter, even though it can be enjoyed throughout the year. This is especially true during the colder months. Make plans to visit one of the rock climbing walls in New York City, especially those that are located on Staten Island. For a change, you should let the youngsters enjoy climbing the walls of someone else’s house. …

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Rock Climbing Maui

Rock Climbing Maui

A few indoor gyms about rock climbing in Maui that you may visit if you’d prefer to climb in a more controlled environment. However, all of Hawaii’s islands combine to make a natural paradise that is characterized by an abundance of verdant vegetation, beautiful rock formations, breathtaking landscapes, and hiking trails. Crags like this are perfect for every type of rock climbing that may be done in Hawaii. Free climbing, top-rope climbing, assisted climbing, lead …

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Climbing Destination: Hatun Machay, Peru

Hatun Machay is a remote, high-altitude (14,000 ft!) sport climbing, hiking, and cultural playground, about two hours outside of Huaraz, Peru. With over 400 bolted routes, counting, and seemingly unlimited bouldering you could spend weeks there without repeating a climb. The sunrises, sunsets, and alpine hiking are stunning enough to attract non-climbers.   That said, you’ll be almost entirely removed from civilization, including internet, and even consistent power supply (they run the power a few …

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Climbing Destination: Refugio Frey, Argentina

A trad climbing heaven, Refugio Frey is a self-contained Disneyland where the only ticket for admission is a 4+ hour hike and stoke to climb. Whether spending a week or a month there, the Refugio Frey is a rare gem in the world of backcountry alpine climbing: even while easily accessible from town, the only thing stopping you from climbing there for months on end is the tedium of the hike to town so you …

Climbing Destination: Refugio Frey, Argentina READ MORE

Climbing Destination Kalymnos Greece

Climbing Destination Kalymnos Greece: I usually come home from a vacation thinking, “That was fun, beautiful, and relaxing, but there are so many other places I want to see and explore.” This wasn’t the case with Kalymnos. Instead, I returned thinking, “How can I restructure my life, work remotely, and move there permanently?” Of course, I settled back into my normal life and haven’t figured out how to answer that question (yet!), but I can …

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